How Making Noise Hurts Your Team’s Productivity

It can be a difficult transition when someone makes the move from worker bee to management. You find yourself going from someone who had lots of tasks and was always busy, to being in an oversight position. Certainly a manager keeps busy. There are plenty of things to...

How To Deal With the Renegade Team Member

Every once in a while – maybe even more often than that – you experience a renegade team member who wants to do things his way rather than what you’ve tried to set as the norm. When this happens, the project manager has to decide whether to act and what to do if...

Assessing Risk in Project Management

The Scout Motto is “Be prepared”. I don’t know if a study has ever been done to determine whether former scouts make better project managers, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a correlation. The most successful project managers I know...

Project Risk and the FedEx Truck

I recently went on a family vacation to Vermont. Even while I was admiring the beautiful green mountains of that state, I couldn’t help but get distracted thinking about project risk. We were visiting some family who took us on a drive to Stowe, VT. It was a...

Project Management Role: Removing Obstacles

When the role of project manager is brought up in every day conversation, many people think of the task-master, always trying to get status from the team member, reminding him of just how late he is on his task. One can almost picture the PM standing there pointing to...