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Six Key Meeting Facilitation Skills

Six Key Meeting Facilitation Skills

The role of project manager is challenging because it requires such a wide range of skills and capabilities. One of the many key skills required is the ability to run a meeting. Meeting facilitation is both an art and a science. The meeting facilitator must know when...

Learning the Rules is Not Enough

Learning the Rules is Not Enough

I learned how to play chess at an early age. My brother, eight years older than me, was on the chess team in high school and taught me the rules. When I got to middle school, I joined the chess club. I hung out with my friends more than I played chess, but we snuck in...

Acting Like a Lawyer for Scope Management

Acting Like a Lawyer for Scope Management

Have you ever had to “run something past legal” in your career? Whenever I have had to do that, I have often suspected that the legal team was somehow against our organization making progress. Legal is notorious for saying, “You can’t do that because…”And the reasons...

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