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6 Steps for Effective Project Communication

How could he not understand what we’re doing? I couldn’t have made it more clearly to him. That feeling has probably gone through every project manager’s mind at one time or another. You have developed what seems like an easy concept in your mind. You quickly relay...

5 Ways to Align IT with the Business

Looking back at every project in which I’ve been involved, I’ve seen successes and failures. There are many reasons for each outcome. But I believe the reason with the most correlation is business alignment. To align IT with the business is one of the most critical...

How to Create a Project Communication Plan

Communication is one of the most difficult things a project manager has to manage within an organization. Meaningful information must be gathered and distributed among the many stakeholders on a project. Because of this, it is important to create a project...

6 Ways to Turn Your Job into a Career

Whether you went to college, trade school or jumped right into the work place. Your initial goal was probably to get a job. It may have been in your area of study. You may have gone in a different direction depending on the job market. Once someone gets into their...

How a Project Manager Can Be a Good Team Player

I occasionally talk to fellow project managers. I've found that one of the most common things that PMs complain about is getting people on our teams to be team players. I'll admit that it is important. I often wonder whether the project managers that I talk to are...

5 Ways a Project Manager Can Remove Obstacles

One of the project manager's key responsibilities is to remove obstacles. Many see management and leadership as an oversight task. Instead, a project manager should strive to balance being informed with getting involved when necessary. The role requires more...

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