Assessing Risk in Project Management

The Scout Motto is “Be prepared”. I don’t know if a study has ever been done to determine whether former scouts make better project managers, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a correlation. The most successful project managers I know...

Project Risk and the FedEx Truck

I recently went on a family vacation to Vermont. Even while I was admiring the beautiful green mountains of that state, I couldn’t help but get distracted thinking about project risk. We were visiting some family who took us on a drive to Stowe, VT. It was a...

Running Things as Projects

I’ve been a project manager for so many years that it’s part of everything I do. In the morning, I get my coat on and grab my bag while the Keurig is running.  I just don’t want to waste that minute standing and watching coffee brew when I can be doing tasks in...

In Defense of Checklists

A 2009 study from the New England Journal of Medicine showed that when surgeons used a basic checklist prior to a surgical operation, deaths were reduced by almost 50%, and complications due to surgery were reduced by more than a third. These basic checklists included...